Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bill Carter:

- Born in 1966

- Writer and director.

- Directed Miss. Sarajevo

Miss Sarajevo:

- Carter came to Sarajevo and filmed war from inside the city.

- Witnessed how the people there would not give in to the Serb nationalists.

- Stayed there and gave medicine and other aid.

- From the footage that was taken in the city, Carter put it all together into a documentary about all of the destruction and how horrible the war was. It also showed how the people presivered through it all and continued to try and live a civilized life.

- The documentary was named after a fasion show that took place during the besiege. It showed the blind people of the world of the realness of Sarajevo.


- When in Sarajevo, Bill Carter realized the importance that rock music had on the people.

- Contacted the band U2 and they were willing to come to play a concert.

- Was too dangerous so they set up satellite linkups so that the people could share their story with the outside world.

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